

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

Welcome to the month of festivity for which everyone awaits eagerly. This year the month of October is blessed by Goddess Durga and Lord Ram as we are celebrating Durga Puja, Dussehra and Deepavali with lots of joy and happiness. We seek the blessings of the Almighty during this auspicious month for wellbeing of the loved ones. We wish everyone good health, peace, prosperity and happiness. These festivals remindus about the positivity around and amongst us.

Life is a combination ofimportant elements and to achieve success in life we should master all those elements of our life. Our column ‘Nurture your talent’ covers all these points in each edition and we try to help and guide each one of usthrough their career journey with these articles. In September 2022 Edition we covered the topic ‘Time Management’, under the series ‘Nurture your talent’. In this October 2022 Edition of our magazine we will talk about another major topic ‘Self Confidence’ and will showcase why it is important for career growth.

Do visit our section ‘Hot Shots’ which will showcase short videos and will make you enjoy your time with us, So Keep Smiling☺.

We all know Health is Wealth and in this edition we cover the ‘Healthcare Capital of India– Chennai’,under “My City My Place” and have shared lots of information about the city. It will be a great experience to know more about the rich culture and places to visit in this city.

We were glad to see our colleagues participating in our Quiz and also would like to congratulate Ms. Nirmitha Nafrom Mangalore team for winning theSpicyReflection Quiz (September 2022 Edition). We wish all the best to all the participants of this edition.

‘Happy You, Happy Us, Happiness all around’!! Customer Delight moments has been our strong forte and in this edition we can see the great effort of our team members which lead to appreciations by our passengers. We congratulate each one of you for your efforts. Keep up the great work!

We would also encourage rest of our employees to participate more actively on our social media page as it helps to highlight our employees and their talent on a larger platform.

Keep showing your love and support and enjoy this edition of our Digital Magazine filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts and share your feedback/ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” page on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Keep Reading and Sharing!!

Wish you all a Happy and Prosperous Deepavali!

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel your career through Self-Confidence - By: Mr. GP Gupta

What is self-confidence?
Self-confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your own abilities. It is an individual’s trust in his or her own abilities, capacities, and judgments or belief that he or she can successfully face day to day challenges and demands, — not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable.

To put it simply, true confidence is a feeling of self-assurance that is grounded in an authentic experience of our own ability, perspective and sufficiency. It's a stable connection to the fact that we can do what we want to do, feel how we want to feel, and be who we want to be in this world. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life. You know your strengths and weakness well, and have a positive view of yourself. You set realistic expectations & goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism.

Objective of Self-confidence
Self-confidence is the inner motivation which always encourages you to move forward in life, do new things, try new subjects, set and achieve higher goals. Self-confidence paves the way for your growth and development.

Not everyone is born with an inbuilt sense of self-confidence. Sometimes it can be hard to develop confidence, either because personal experiences have caused you to lose confidence or because you suffer from low self-esteem.

People who are low on confidence might be less likely to try new things or reach out to new people. If they fail at something the first time, they might be less likely to try again. A lack of self-confidence can hold people back from reaching their full potential.

When you dream of doing something never seen before, or when you aim higher than anyone has gone in your field, your self-confidence will drive you to keep working till you succeed. One of the main reasons why self-confident people are successful is that confidence increases their self and situational awareness. One should always ensure that she / he has self-confidence. If one feels low on self-confidence, he / she should increase the same or look for guidance from parents or other trust worthy people. Always have mentors in life to tackle such situations.

Why Self-confidence Matters?
Self-confidence helps us feel ready for life's experiences. When we're confident, we're more likely to move forward with people and opportunities — not back away from them. And if things don't work out at first, confidence helps us try again.

Confident people:
• Feel secure rather than insecure
• Know they can rely on their skills and strengths to handle whatever comes up
• Feel ready for everyday challenges like tests, performances, and competitions
• Think "I can" instead of "I can't"
• Challenge yourself. Ask yourself, “Is it impossible?” “Can nobody on the earth do this?”
• Does what they believe is right, even if it’s unpopular
• Are willing to take risks
• Admits their mistakes and learns from them
• Are able to accept a compliment
• Are optimistic

Where does self-confidence come from?
Confidence is self-trust in your skills, choices, and values. It comes from within yourself and feels like an inner knowing of your strengths and weaknesses while still thinking positively about yourself.

Tips for building self-confidence

There are a number of things you can do to build your confidence.

1. Look at what you’ve already achieved
It’s easy to lose confidence if you believe you haven’t achieved anything. Make a list of all the things you’re proud of in your life. Keep the list close by and add to it whenever you do something you’re proud of. When you’re low in confidence, pull out the list and use it to remind yourself of all the awesome stuff you've done.

2. Think of things you're good at
Everyone has strengths and talents. What are yours? Recognizing what you’re good at, and trying to build on those things, will help you to build confidence in your own abilities.

3. Set some goals
Set some goals and set out the steps you need to take to achieve them. They don’t have to be big goals.

4. Talk yourself up
You’re never going to feel confident if you have negative commentary running through your mind telling you that you’re no good. Think about your self-talk and how that might be affecting your self-confidence. Treat yourself like you would your best friend and cheer yourself on. Remember some of the famous quotes like, ‘never say never’, ‘never give up’, ‘never say die’. Always say ‘I can do it’, ‘I will do it’.

5. Get a hobby
Try to find something that you’re really passionate about. When you’ve worked out your passion, commit yourself to giving it a go.

6. Build a confident mindset
When your inner voice says "I can't," retrain it to say "I can." Or you could also say, "I know I can learn (or do) this if I put my mind to it."

7. Compare yourself kindly
It's natural to compare ourselves with other people. It's a way to understand ourselves and develop the qualities we admire. But if comparisons often leave you feeling bad about yourself, it's a sign to work on your self-confidence.

8. Shake off self-doubt
When we doubt our abilities, we feel inferior, unworthy, or unprepared. That can make us avoid people and situations we might enjoy and grow from.

9. Take a safe risk
Volunteer to help with a project. Raise your hand more often.

10. Challenge yourself to do something that's just beyond your normal comfort zone
Pick something you'd like to do if only you had more confidence. Give yourself a little push and do it. Now that you've done that, pick something else to try — and keep repeating this same process. Confidence grows with every step forward.

11. Know your talents and help them shine
We're taught to work hard to improve our weaknesses. But don't let working on a weakness prevent you from getting even better at the things you're good at.

12. Dare to be the real you
Let others see you for who you are - mistakes, insecurities, and all. Insecurities are easier to move past when we don't feel like we have to hide them. Embrace your quirks instead of trying to be like someone else or acting in a way that's not true to you.

It takes courage and confidence to be real. But the more real we are, the more self-confident we become.

“Self-confidence is the super power. Once you start to believe in yourself; magic starts happening.”

“Your success and future is dependent on your own self-confidence.”


Mr.Vijay Dalakoti

Pulse of Wisdom

Remembering Your Childhood

Rashtrapati Bhavan & My School –President Estate School - Delhi

My School

President’s Estate School – Also known as Dr Rajendra Prasad KendriyaVidyalaya.

My childhood school’s name is Dr.Rajendra Prasad KendriyaVidyalaya, which is a co-education english medium senior secondary school, affiliated with CBSE, which is located inside RashtrapatiBhavan, which is in the Presidents Estate in New Delhi.

This school is run by KVS, an autonomous body formed under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India and is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi and has a common syllabus and curriculum of studies.

The school was established in 1946 by the then Education Department of the Government of India. Later, in 1962, the administration of the school was handed over to the Directorate of Education, Delhi.

Earlier its name was Dr.Rajendra Prasad SarvodayaVidyalaya, which was later converted from SarvodayaVidyalaya on 1st July 2019 to KendriyaVidyalayafor making this school a "Center of Excellence" in special Project mode.

The school has an imposing and aesthetic building, providing all basic amenities, a healthy child centric education, with an activity-oriented approach in the teaching &learning process, which facilitates the holistic development of children.

The school has classed up Standard XII, catering to the needs of students with all three streams at +2 level: Science, Commerce and Humanities, with huge Science practical labs. Throughout my school life here, all my uniform was free! Every student used to get free uniformseach year - White Shirts, Khaki / Black Pants (for Summer / Winter) and Black shoes. The monthly fees wasalso reimbursed. In addition, a free mid - day meal is provided! There were absolutely no electricity cutswhatsoever or water shortfall even for a second. The school’s lawn was always kept neat and clean. As lots of Indian and internationally famous personalities keep visiting the school from time to time, a great discipline is always maintained at the school.

When Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam became the President of the country, the fate of RashtrapatiBhavan's school was rejuvenated. Earlier Presidents used to go to the school only on special occasions but Dr.Kalam started coming here regularly. In addition, he used to make sure to come to our school on Independence Day or Republic Day celebrations. We are all greatly inspired by him!

I am very happy that my school has maintained its traditions and high standards even today!

I still cherish my childhood days that I spent studying at the school, and want to share some of the old photographs that I have still preserved from long time ago. Hope you enjoy them!

Find me out from this Group Picture this group!
अरेदीवानों, मुझेपहचानो…..कहाँसेआया, मैंहूँकौन ?!

About RashtrapatiBhavan
The RashtrapatiBhavan houses the first citizen of the country, the President of India. Also known as the President House, RashtrapatiBhavan is the perfect blend of the good old charm and modern zing. Being the home to the President of the country, RashtrapatiBhavan truly stands for our country’s secular character, its democratic traditions and the overall strength.

Besides being a building of national importance, India’s RashtrapatiBhavan is an exemplary creation of architecture. This H-shaped building was conceptualised by Sir Edwin Lutyens. However, Herbert Baker joined him for giving the architecture of the building a final shape.

The palatial building is spread across a 330 acre estate, where only 5 acre is the covered area. Formerly known as Viceroy’s House, the Presidential residence comprises of 340 rooms, that include, president’s official residence, offices, guest rooms and reception halls. The prestigious building also includes huge presidential gardens including the famous Mughal Garden, along with some large open spaces and residences of staff.

You may like to visit the RashtrapatiBhavanto see and experience the grandeur of the buildings and lawns yourself, for which a small entry fee is charged.
• Visitors individually or in a group of less than 30 persons will be charged @ Rs. 50/- per visitor per Circuit.
• Visitors in a group of 30 persons will be charged Rs. 1200/- (Rs.50 x 30 less 20% discount) per visit.
• Visitors in a group of more than 30 persons will be charged Rs.1200/- plus Rs.50 per additional visitor.
• Visitors below the age of 8 years will be exempt from the payment of registration charges.

The Visit Timings of RashtrapatiBhavan as also mentioned below for your convenience, but please vistthe :
RashtrapatiBhavan in Delhi is open to public from 9 AM to 4 PM on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is closed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and on Gazetted Holidays You may also like to witness the Change of Guard ceremony, the timings of which are:

• On Saturday
15 November to 14 March : 1000 – 1040 hrs
15 March to 14 November : 0800 – 0840 hrs

• On Sunday
15 November to 14 March : 1630 – 1710 hrs
15 March to 14 November : 1730 – 1840 hrs

Please note the instructions to visit the RashtrapatiBhavan as below:
• A request to visit the RashtrapatiBhavan can be made online
• A request to witness the Change of Guard Ceremony can be made online at:
• Entry to RashtrapatiBhavan for visit is through Gate No.2 (Rajpath); Gate No.37 (via Dalhousie Road-Hukmi Mai Marg); and Gate No.38 (via Church Road-Brassy Avenue) of RashtrapatiBhavan.
• All Indian visitors are required to carry a valid photo ID proof. Foreigners should make the request to visit along with photocopies of their passport. They must also carry their original passport for verification on the day of visit.

How to reach RashtrapatiBhavan:

By Metro: The nearest metro station to RashtrapatiBhavan is Central Secretariat station on the Yellow line. One can take an auto from the metro station to reach RashtrapatiBhavan. These Metro lines stop near RashtrapatiBhavan: VIOLET LINE, YELLOW LINE

Please visit the following websites for more information:

By Mr.Vijay Dalakoti

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

The passion of humans to fly extended into love for speed and breaking the sound barrier. Supersonic speed is the speed of an object that exceeds the speed of sound (Mach 1). This speed is approximately 343.2 m/s (1,236 km/h). Speeds greater than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5) are often referred to as hypersonic.

The major problem in breaking the sound barrier is SONIC BOOM. A sonic boom is a sound associated with shock waves created when an object travels through the air faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, sounding similar to an explosion. Please see the video (https://youtu.be/gWGLAAYdbbc ) to understand sonic boom. While nearly all fighter aircrafts today are supersonic, there have been two commercial passenger supersonic airctaft, the Russian Tupolev Tu-144 (first flown on December 31, 1968) and the Franco- British Concorde (first flown on March 2, 1969).

Tupolev TU-144:
The Tu-144 was the world's first commercial supersonic transport aircraft and 16 aircraft were manufactured. It flew at an average service altitude of 16,000 metres (52,000 ft) and cruised at a speed of around 2,200 kilometres per hour (1,400 mph). However Reliability and developmental issues, crashes forced the program to be stopped. Do enjoy breath-taking shots of TU-144 here(https://youtu.be/IJMsatCs05U)

Concorde is a tailless aircraft design with a narrow fuselage permitting a 4-abreast seating for 92 to 128 passengers, an ogival delta wing and a droop nose for landing visibility. It is powered by four Rolls-Royce/Snecma Olympus 593 turbojets with variable engine intake ramps. Air France and British Airways remained the sole customers with seven airframes each, for a total production of twenty. Supersonic flight more than halved travel times, but sonic booms over the ground limited it to transoceanic flights only.Operated by specially trained, only concorde, crew it is a real marvel to travel.The first flight was beautifully covered…..watch here.

On 25 July 2000, Air France Flight 4590 crashed shortly after take-off with all 109 occupants and four on ground killed; the only fatal incident involving Concorde. Commercial service was suspended until November 2001, and Concorde aircraft were retired in 2003 after 27 years of commercial operations. Watch the investigation here .

Future of Supersonic travel
Supersonic flights set to make a return, possibly as early 2029.
Click here.

By: Pradyumna Sharma

Spicy Talents

Mohammed Faisal (HYD)

Hello Everyone! I am Mohammed Faisal from Hyderabad, the place which is famous for Hyderabadi biryani as well as for our Hyderabadi accent😅. Right now I am working for SpiceJet Airlinesat Hyderabad airport. Apart from this, I am also a model and on my week off I'll be doing the Modelling. But since last 1 month I was so busy and couldn't takeout time for the shoots so I was quite upset and was thinking I wish I could continue my photoshoots.

Luckily in recent time I got an opportunity to represent myself for the SpiceJet photoshoot event and on reaching Delhi for branding photoshoot. I was so lucky to share my time with some precious and great people from our team members from all around our network. I am really happy working with a positive environment and for me is we can earn money anywhere but the kind of good vibe I share with my colleagues and my mentors is something which we want in our life.

So I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart to my seniors and for all those people who supported me to make this photoshoot a memorable experience in my life. I think we all should die with our memories not with our dreams. I request to all those lovely people who are reading my article that don't give up, as you have no idea what tomorrow may bring.


Divya shinde (pnq)

Hello everyone I am DivyaShindeand I live in Pune and work with SpiceJet as CSE. I am a passionate dancer. I have participated in a lot of campsfor my dances, be it national or state level. I used to dance while finishing my college and got the love and motivation from my mom as she herself is a dancer and with her and dad's encouragement, I was able to make my career so far.

During my college and exams time I had to give up this passion. I used to get frustrated and disappointed. I thought that I would never be able to dance again in my life as it was very difficult to leave something I was passionate about.

Perhaps God understood my troubles and confusion and gave me another life-giving opportunity - that is from SpiceJet. I made up my mind then and there that I will not miss this opportunity. Because of SpiceJet (SpicyReflection) I got a stage again where I can perform my art. And show people our different art.

I am very happy wheneverany opportunity comes. This is possible only because of SpiceJet (SpicyReflection). Once again there is an opportunity to leap into space. Many thanks to SpiceJet for giving me this opportunity. Believe this! Thank you very much.


My City My Place


Chennai, formerly known as Madras, is the largest city in all of south India. It is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu, located in the Republic of India. The eastern border of the city is the vast ocean of Bay of Bengal, which stretches about 17 KM, making Marina the second largest beach in the world.

History of Chennai.
Chennai has the very rich history and all its glory can be attributed to the Raja of Chandragiri, who was the first to lay foundation stone of the city of Chennai during the British rule in India.

The British government built several forts and trading post in the city. This province was named Madarasapattinam.

Chennai is the only region in India where we can see a perfect mix of different communities. There is a popular saying ”vandaraivazhavaikum Chennai” which literally means “Chennai gives life to all who take shelter of it” This can be seen visually when you visit Chennai, as you can see people from almost every region of India. It is also called the “GATE WAY OF SOUTH”.

Chennai’s Culture:
Chennai, for example, has a rich cultural heritage, literature, art, music and dance have a long history in Chennai. It is primarily known for its historic Hindu temples and Bharatanatyam dances.

Tanjore Arts and Tamil architecture flourished here and the locals continue to strive to preserve the tradition.

Tamil is the official language of the city, and is also the first classical language of the country. This language is more than 3,000 years old!


It is actually the legislative assembly of Government of Tamil Nadu. The fort near the beach has the longest Flagstaff in the country. The fort was built during the rule of East India Company in Madras. It is located 17kms from Chennai Airport.

This is the prominent historical monument in the city of Chennai. The name Santome is derived from the saint named St Thomas, located 13kms from Chennai Airport.

This Is another example of British Style. It was built over a 100 years ago. The Chennai high court is one of the largest court complex in the world. The largest court complex in the world is in London.This is located 17kms from Chennai Airport.

Another example of Pallava Architecture now stands in the city of Chennai at a place called Triplicane. It is located 17kms from Chennai Airport.

This is one of main tourist attraction in city and stretches up to 17Kms. The Beach has statues and monuments of famous political leaders.It is located 15kms from Chennai Airport.

• THE CHENNAI HARBOUR This is another important ancient places in Chennai. The port of Chennai still functions effectively and serves a major trade and commercial point. It is a completely artificial port. It is located 22kms from Chennai Airport.

• VANDALUR ZOO This is located in Vandalur, Outskirts of Chennai, One of the largest Zoological Park in India, with all species of Animals/Birds/Reptiles. Young and energetic place for Kids.It is located 15kms from Chennai Airport.

One of the classic example of PALLAVA ARCHITECTURE. Located in strip of the land between Bay of Bengal and Great Salt Lake. Most of the Temple structure is carved with single large stone. It is known for its temple and Monuments built by Pallava Dynasty in 7th and 8th Century. It is located 38kms from Chennai Airport.

Chennai is the place where Mini India can be felt with various mixed cultures. Every Indian has a reason to love this place because it has not only embraced people coming from diverse background, but also it has also uplifted and moulded the culture with great respect and care.

Vikash Sharma
(Security In-Charge – IXS)


हमएयरपोर्टपेकामकरनेवालेलोगहैंसाहब, हमारासूरजपहाड़ोंकेनहींजहाजोंकेपीछेसेनिकलताहै।
हमारीईद, दिवाली, दशहरालोगोंकोउनकेघरपहुंचानेमें ढलता है।
हमअपने passengers कोअपनापरिवारसमझतेहैं,

By: Vikash Sharma (Security In-Charge – IXS)

Sumit Sharma (Sr.CSE)– ATQ

Seek Out

Freak out night out seek out"
Situation changes don't amend your thought
Don't reveal your big secrets🔐
Hit a goal when others think you're in doubt
Don't loose yourself when success is near about
People chase winners 🏆 make a big crowd
Let's joy of triumph makes noise loud
Situation keeps on changing don't amend your thought 💭
Hater does hate but never does care
Leaders achieve targets stair by stair
Mocking around joking surround never going to bothers much
Who wants to achieve victory doesn't care such
Finds way of victory alone never going to sought
Haters does hate never care about
Situation changes don't amend your thought🏆

Appreciations All Around – Keep Up The Great Work!!

Click of the month

Hot Shots

Glimpses of my Red #hot Spicy look🥰🥰Our Love for You Is Real😊🥰 !!

All we wanna Do is Being with You🥰🥰Our Love for You Is Real😊

When we fall in Love🥰

Pakyong Airport view

Let’s groove with Yeh Ishq Haaye😍😍

Glimpses of Fun Friday with Our Red Hot Spicy Team!!

Tu Pasand Hai…

The Fiery Duo 😊

Reels And Videos For Fun

Reel by team Pune (Ms. DivyaShinde)

Reel by team Madurai

Reel by Team SpicyReflection


Ganesh Chaturthi video

Reel by team Kandla

Reel by team Silchar


Onam Celebration at Kochi

Onam Celebration at Kochi

Reel by team Bengaluru


Reel by team Gwalior

Vishwakarma Jayanti Video by team SpicyReflection

Daughters Day Celebrations by team Gwalior


Daughters Day Celebrations by team ground Services

Navratri Celebrations by Rajkot and Ahmedabad

Navratri Celebrations by Bhavnagar and Mumbai


Navratri Celebrations by team Ground Services

Durga Puja Celebration at Kolkata

Durga Puja Celebration at Silchar


Customer Delight Moments

Dusshera & Durga Puja Celebration at Airports

Recently we had the presence of the Actor and Model Mr. Bhavin Bhanushali with us at Jaipur😊

We were Pleased to have the Loveable our own “Jaggu Dada”🥰 @apnabhidu Mr. Jackie Shroff Sir with us at Mumbai!!

Happy Moments with Mr. Shailesh Lodha at Jaipur

It was great to have the Music composition team of Mr. Sachet Tandon and Ms. Parampara with us @Jaipur !!

Laughing is the Best Medicine. We had comedy master @yogibabuofficial_ with us at Goa

Recently we had the pleasure to meet Mr. Jubin Nautiyal at IXB

The Red Hot and Spicy team welcomes Our Civil Aviation Minister Shri. Jyotiraditya Scindia @Gwaliorairport

We were Pleased to have the Beautiful @malaikaaroraofficial with us at Mumbai!!

Navratri Celebration at Airports

Message from Champions Desk

August 2022

Customer Delight Airport - Category 1 (PNQ)

Customer service is not a department... It's an attitude.

Teamwork allows us to reach the heights of excellence and perform the extraordinary. Achievements are nurtured with the cooperation of many minds with a common vision working towards a common goal. Winning an award is always a special moment and I thank the whole Team - PNQ in being dedicated towards the service of passengers and have performed to the best of their abilities consecutively for the second month. It gives me immense pleasure to congratulate each team member for the said achievement and thank each one for their dedication and support.

Always be Kind, Honest, Disciplined and Grateful to your customers because this is all what a customer needs apart from the core product/ service.

- Himanshu Mandaliya (APM – PNQ)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 2 (DED)

WOW! We WON! Proud, Happy, Overwhelmed and Delighted. ‘Our achievement is shaped by the strength of the foundations we set’. Thank you to the entire team for your commitment to excellence. Awards make us feel good; this is an acknowledgement of a job well done and justification for the agony, the self-doubt, and the hard work that we went into winning it.

- Barun Singh (APM-DED)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 3 (STV)

It was an immense pleasure that we won the Customer delight airport for the Month of June-2022, my small team has made such wonderful unforgettable moment in my life, the Real credit goes to my entire team who takes cares of each and every passengers at Surat airport. The Team Bonding has proven to deliver the Customer satisfactory, fulfill the commitments, deliver the desired products, it’s our prime core to achieve the goals for upcoming months and maintain the high level standards and customer centricity. A Successful air travel completes when passenger collected his/her bag at arrival Hall Happily!!

- Sachin Pillai (APM-STV)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 4 (PBD)

This is truly a glorious moment for my whole team and me. I am thankful to all. It would be impossible for me without the help and support from my team and I feel a great delight to be chosen to get respect from this wonderful organization. I respect and value this award. Please acknowledge my heartfelt gratitude for this precious award of "customer delight airport for the month of Aug'22."

- Vandana Mavadiya (APM - PBD)

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - September 2022 Edition

Ms. Nirmitha Na (CSE – Mangalore)

Winner of Best Video Contest – September 2022 Edition

Team –Gwalior

Winner of the Click of the Month Contest - September 2022 Edition

Mr. Sohan Das R S (IXE)

Just Laugh

Contributions From: Ms. Poonam Yadav, Chennai – Ground Services Team
Compiled and Presented By : Mr. Raymond Henry

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (October 2022)

Motivational Videos

Tu Khud Ki Khoj Me Nikal ft.

Motivational Story About Raven


Upcoming !

Next month edition will cover "Deepavali, Kali Puja, Govardhan Puja, Bhai Duj, and Chhat Puja", so please contribute with your Ideas/articles by 25th October 2022 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com