

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

I welcome you all to our 18th edition of Digital magazine ‘SpicyReflection’and I would like to thank you all for sharing your Ideas/Articles for this magazine. August month has a special place in every Indians lives as we celebrate our country’s Independence on 15th August of every year.

‘Learn continually – there’s always “one more thing” to learn’. In this August 2023 Edition of our magazine we will talk about ‘Learning’ under ‘Nurture your talent’ series and will showcase why we should not stop learning inn our lives and how it helps to overcome the hurdles in our career growth.

In this edition we have included some great videos in our section ‘Hot Shots’ which will surely will make you smile. Keep Smiling ☺.

Let’s walk through one of the most beautiful city of ‘Hyderabad’ under ‘My City My Place’ series. Hyderabad is known for its marvelous palaces, and finger liking food and how can we not mention the Hyderabadi Biryani.

We would like to thank you all for your participation in SpicyReflection Quiz and also would like to congratulate Mr. Hari Prasad from team Bangalore for winning the SpicyReflection Quiz (July 2023 Edition). We wish all the best to all the other participants for our August 2023 Quiz.

We also congratulate Mr. Nitin Rajput from team Khajuraho on winning ‘Click of the Month’ for July 2023 edition.

With our ‘Smile Campaign’ we have created moments of happiness within the team and also with our customers. Always share your Smile with the world.Let’s keep the happiness quotient high for all our team members as well as for our passengers. We need to continue our focus on service with Eye contact, Smile and Greetings at all the customer touch points. We congratulate each one of you for your great efforts. Please keep it up!

We are sure you will enjoy this edition of SpicyReflection filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts. Please do share your feedback / ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Keep Reading and Sharing!!

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel Your Career with 'Learning': Unlocking Success with Determination

Introduction: -

Learning is not just about acquiring knowledge or passing exams; it is an art form that involves a journey of expanding our minds. The process of learning brings sheer joy and satisfaction as we explore new ideas and concepts.

Benefits of Learning: -

Personal Growth: Learning opens doors and broadens our horizons, expands our knowledge and enhances the understanding of the world.
Professional Advancement: In today’s fast paced and competitive job market Employers seek individuals who embrace lifelong learning, as it demonstrates adaptability, innovation, and a commitment to self-improvement. Learning new skills enhances career prospects, opens doors to new opportunities, fosters professional growth and boosts confidence.
Cognitive Development: Learning stimulates our brain, enhancing cognitive abilities such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It equips us with the mental tools necessary to navigate complex situations and make informed decisions
Social Interaction: Learning fosters social connections and a sense of belonging. Educational institutions, workshops, and learning communities bring people together, encouraging collaboration and shared experiences.
Personal Fulfillment: The pursuit of knowledge can be intrinsically rewarding. Learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument, or acquiring expertise in a hobby brings a sense of accomplishment and joy that enriches life.

Tips of Effective Learning:-

Trial and Error Method: Embrace mistakes and use them as stepping stones to success. - Failure is not the end but the beginning of a new adventure.
Embrace Curiosity: Cultivate a genuine curiosity about the world around you. Ask questions, explore new subjects, and seek out knowledge in areas that pique your interest. Approach learning with an open mind and a desire to discover and understand.
Set Clear Goals: Define clear and achievable goals for your learning journey. Whether it's mastering a new skill, completing a course, or gaining expertise in a specific field, setting goals provides direction and motivation. Break down larger goals into smaller milestones to track your progress and celebrate your achievements along the way.
Create a Learning Plan: Develop a structured learning plan to stay organized and focused. Identify the resources, courses, or mentors that can support your learning goals. Allocate dedicated time for learning activities and create a conducive environment that minimizes distractions and maximizes productivity.
Collaborate and Share: Engage in collaborative learning environments. Join study groups, participate in online forums, or find mentors who can provide guidance and support. Sharing knowledge and engaging in discussions with others enhances understanding, fosters new perspectives, and accelerates the learning process
Learning through Play: Unconventional approach to learning, where creativity and imagination play a significant role. - Building with blocks, solving puzzles, and role-playing can make learning enjoyable.
Mindfulness and Learning: Being fully present and focused enhances learning and information absorption. - Minimize distractions, such as phones, to facilitate better focus.
Consistency and Practice: Learning is a continuous journey that requires consistency and regular practice. Dedicate consistent time to your learning pursuits, even if it's just a few minutes each day. Deliberate practice reinforces concepts, solidifies skills, and builds mastery over time
Diverse Learning Methods: Experiment with different learning methods to find what works best for you. Combine traditional approaches like reading books with interactive online courses, podcasts, videos, or attending workshops and seminars. Embrace a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical application, and experiential learning to deepen your understanding
Online Learning and Resources: Embrace the benefits of online learning, such as flexibility and access to a wide range of knowledge. Connecting with like-minded individuals through digital platforms.

Conclusion: - Learning is an enriching journey that transcends the boundaries of age, culture, and circumstance. Embrace learning as a lifelong commitment and allow it to shape your character, broaden your horizons, and unlock your full potential. Let the pursuit of knowledge open doors and pave the way for a fulfilling and successful life. It is a beautiful journey that requires embracing mistakes, having fun, and being present. Each individual is the artist with the world as their canvas. Keep Learning, Keep Shining.


Mr. Sagar Gurung
(Assistant General Manager – Ground Services)

Pulse of Wisdom

Security Culture in Aviation Industry

Definition of Security Culture (Extract from ICAO Annex-17)
Security culture is a set of security-related norms, values, attitudes and assumptions that are inherent in the daily operation of an organization and are reflected by the actions and behaviours of all entities and personnel within the organization.

Why is Security culture important?
Security culture refers to the set of values that should be shared and followed by everyone, that determine how people are expected to think about, and approach security. Getting security culture right will help develop a security conscious workforce, and promote the desired security behaviours you want from Staff, to mitigate any kind of threats to civil Aviation.Therefore it is very much important to build a Security culture in Aviation Industry.

How to build Security culture in the Aviation Industry?
By seeing and witnessing several incidents and accidents in past, across the globe, it is very much imperative to build a good Security culture, which should be followed by everyone and every time religiously.Therefore to do so, ICAO and Regulatory Authority of various countries, are taking various steps, like Aviation Security assistance and training builds in the promotion of a positive Security culture.

Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (Regulatory Authority-India) is organizing Security culture week pan India, from 31st July to 05th August 2023 to promote Security culture in Aviation Industry.

A strong security culture complements all training that we, or any organization, delivers. Therefore it is very important to have trained and dedicated Staff in all areas of an organization, who can understand the “Threats to civil aviation” and implement security measures accordingly.All Staffs in Aviation Industry are the “Eyes” and “Ears” of an Organization.It is very important that everyone in the aviation industry takes practical and concrete actions to promote a positive Security culture.

Below mentioned tips, if implemented effectively, can build strong Security culture in Aviation Industry to mitigate any kind of “Threats to civil aviation”. (Reference - unitingaviation.com, By David Sterland)

✈ Endorsement of best practices in Organization by Senior Managers, that define Security culture:
Senior Managers in the organization needs to lead from front and act as role models in delivering a strong and effective Security culture. Eg-not being exemptions from Security measures.

✈ Threat awareness in aviation:
All Staff should understand the nature of the threats that the Aviation Industry face. Without these awareness, there will be lack of desire to embed a positive security culture.

Real- life examples of threats and attacks against aviation industry should be used, during Trainings and briefings.

✈ Staff rewards:
Staff who have displayed good security behaviour and awareness, should be acknowledged and encouraged to continue the same.

✈ Regular training, information, advice and support:
At times Staff can become complacent about risks and may believe that they have no role in Security, therefore necessary trainings, information and support should be provided to the staff. This ensures appropriate behaviours by the staffs, which helps in positive security culture.

✈ Staff communication:
Security measures should be delivered through a variety of methods to Staff and public.
Eg-Emails, Posters, public announcements, display of important numbers.

✈ Security culture implementation plans with clearly defined timelines, deliverables and responsibilities.

Objectives of Security culture in Aviation Industry-
✈ Securing Aviation Industry worldwide.
✈ Establishing positive Security practices in the organization.
✈ Establishing positive Security practices among the employees.
✈ Expressing Security as a core value rather than as an obligation.

Aviation Industry has and will always play significant role in developing entire globe in terms of every aspects, but it is very much necessary to secure this Industry from any kind unlawful Act. This can be achieved by following all the Aviation Security guidelines and promoting Security culture and implementing them on ground practically.



Happy Safe Aviation Industry to everyone

Hot Shots

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

As we move forward to discover the man’s dream to fly, we must understand that the present aviation is result of not only hard work and sacrifice but also experimentation and innovations by countless aviators. Today our aircrafts are state art machines with thousands and thousands of parts. Now onwards we shall start to study various parts of aircrafts let’s start from the nose of aircrafts.

The nose tip of aircrafts as we see are called RADOME.

A radome is a structure that protects microwave equipment from the environment. Protection has to be given against rain, hail, snow, bird impact, and in some cases bullets. The major requirement is, however, its transparency to microwaves. For most types of radomes the mechanical properties are of secondary importance.

Radome is used to cover a wide variety of equipment on ground and in air.

There are 3 main type of Radome

Composite radome: An example of a composite radome is a sandwich radome. A sandwich radome is a rigid, self-supporting shell type structure constructed of doubly-curved panels which form a spherical dome.

An air-supported radome is a flexible fabric envelope that must be inflated at all times. Its operation depends upon a non-interruptible power supply and redundant blower systems. This envelope fabric provides the most favorable RF characteristics.

Space Frame Radomes: A space frame Radome is a rigid, self-supporting structure composed of triangular panels assembled into a geodesic dome. This type of radome is most commonly used in severe weather locations.

Construction material: Materials used in the construction of Radomes include fiberglass, quartz, graphite and Kevlar. Resins include polyester, vinyl ester, cyanate ester and epoxies. Construction techniques include hand lamination, infusion and prepreg fibers

Aircraft Radome:

The nose of the aircraft is fitted with weather radar which is very fragile and is required to be protected against not only harsh weather conditions but also birds. As a result Radom is placed to ensure protections and aerodynamics. Let’s have a look under the Radome of B-737 800 aircraft here (https://youtu.be/FFvmg5ZNbcc)

Have you seen and wondered what the lines on Radome are?

The Aircraft Radome is susceptible to a lot of conditions and one of the most common is dangers from electrically charged clouds and lightning strikes.

Radome has ability to bleed off static electricity. This is done through the use of anti-static/anti-erosion coatings and through the lightning diverter strips extending from the frontal area of the Radome to the airframe. These diverter strips continuously collect static build-up from the surface of the Radome and conduct it to the airframe without severe sparking or arcing. Here is a video that explains some of the principles of lighting diversion (https://youtu.be/bd23-n_Ba7o)

As we move forward in next edition we will discuss another Aircraft part………..

By: Pradyumna Sharma

Spicy Talents

Sweety Bhattacharjee (Kolkata)

From Sky High to Artistic Bliss: SpiceJet Ignites my Passion for Art and Craft.


Myself Sweety Bhattacharjee and I am a newly added member of SpiceJet family. Today I am going to share with you all my journey as a dancer.

I born and brought up in Kolkata. When I was a little kid, my mother noticed my love for dance and got me enrolled in a Bharatanatyam dance academy at the age of 3! ☺☺☺

But for me dance is not just a hobby - It is a happiness! It is my way to express my feelings.

Unfortunately, when I was in class 6 my mentor and my motivator - my mother - was diagnosed with a rare disease. She is the only one in the house to supports me and encourages me in everything. By that time I understood I couldn’t continue dancing and started focusing on only my studies. But I never gave up my true love for dancing.

Cut to the present scenario, only 3 months ago I joined SpiceJet as a trainee Security Executive. During the induction training our instructors ask us about our hobbies and anything apart from aviation, anything we are currently pursuing or we wanted to do in future.

I put my name on the list as a dancer, but never realized that my beloved Spicy family and my respected seniors took my passion so seriously! After so many years again I am going to get the chance to perform on a stage In front of so many people and represent my company!☺☺

Now I have again started practicing and participating in every official events and try to mark my name in their heart ♥.

Through the article in SpicyReflection, I just want to thank SpiceJet for giving us the chance to represent our latent and thank you for treat us like a family!

Thank you
The sweetest member of SpiceJet family from Kolkata.

Sweety Bhattacharjee
Security Executive - SpiceJet – Kolkata


My City My Place

Hyderabad I wanted to take a moment to share my excitement about my city. Having explored its various attractions, Iam amazed by the hidden gems and vibrant culture our city has to offer. Below are a few briefs about my City Hyderabad.

Discover the Vibrant City of Hyderabad, India: A Blend of Culture, Cuisine, and Charm!

Nestled on the banks of the Musi River, Hyderabad, the capital city of the southern Indian state of Telangana, is a captivating blend of rich history, architectural wonders, delectable cuisine, and warm hospitality. Known as the "City of Pearls" and the "City of Nizams," Hyderabad offers a fascinating journey through time, showcasing its glorious past and thriving present. In this article, we will explore some of the best tourist places to visit in Hyderabad, along with its mouth watering cuisines and the ideal time to experience this captivating city.

Standing proudly as the iconic symbol of Hyderabad, Charminar is a magnificent monument that dates back to the late 16th century. Built by Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, this impressive structure boasts four towering minarets and arches, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Don't miss the bustling market surrounding Charminar, known as Laad Bazaar, where you can shop for traditional bangles, pearls, and exquisite handicrafts.

Golconda Fort:
A must-visit for history enthusiasts, Golconda Fort is a remarkable fortress that once served as the capital of the Qutb Shahi dynasty. Explore the intricately designed gateways, royal palaces, and the renowned Fateh Rahben Gun, known for its unique acoustic system that allowed for long-distance communication. Witness the mesmerizing light and sound show in the evenings, which brings the fort's glorious history to life.

Salar Jung Museum:
Step into a world of art and antiquities at the Salar Jung Museum, one of the largest collections of artifacts by a single person. The museum houses an impressive array of sculptures, paintings, textiles, and decorative art from various civilizations across the globe. Marvel at renowned masterpieces like the Veiled Rebecca, Mephistopheles, and the famous musical clock. Ramoji Film City:
For a taste of the glitz and glamour of the Indian film industry, visit Ramoji Film City, the world's largest integrated film studio complex. Explore the sprawling grounds, where you can witness live film shoots, enjoy thrilling rides, and immerse yourself in the magic of Bollywood. Don't forget to catch the spectacular live shows and cultural performances.


Biryani and Irani Chai:
Hyderabad is synonymous with its world-famous biryani, a flavorful rice dish cooked with aromatic spices, tender meat, and fragrant saffron. Indulge your taste buds with the traditional Hyderabadi biryani, available in various versions like chicken, mutton, or vegetarian. Pair it with a piping hot cup of Irani chai, a strong and milky tea infused with cardamom and served with Osmania biscuits.


Haleemand Hyderabadi Cuisine:
Visit Hyderabad during the holy month of Ramadan to savor the sumptuous Haleem, a slow-cooked dish made from wheat, meat, lentils, and a rich blend of spices. The city is also renowned for its delectable Hyderabadi cuisine, featuring delectable dishes such as Hyderabadi Marag (spiced mutton soup), Dum Pukht (slow-cooked meat dishes), and Double Ka Meetha (a delightful bread pudding).


Best Time to Visit:
The ideal time to explore Hyderabad is during the winter months, from October to February when the weather is pleasant, making it easier to navigate the city and explore its outdoor attractions. Avoid the scorching summer months from April to June, as temperatures can soar to uncomfortable levels.

Hyderabad is a city that effortlessly combines its rich heritage with modernity, offering a truly unique and immersive experience for every visitor. From architectural wonders like Charminar and Golconda Fort to the tantalizing flavours of its renowned biryani and Hyderabadi cuisine, this city has something to captivate and delight every traveller. Plan your visit to Hyderabad and let yourself be enchanted by its cultural treasures, warm hospitality, and irresistible charm.

Team: Hyderabad (S.M.M.H Abedi – Duty Officer)

By Mr. Sumit Sharma
Senior Customer Service Executive –Amritsar


When you finds all doors gets closed of all way
Inspite of your efforts doesn't seem any Ray
Sun can't keep calm himself on sunny day
Then one thing that you have to do is "Pray"

Pray has power to bring "God" down to earth
Blessed in this country where "God" took birth
Existence of "Lord" is in every particle and clay
Never misses out to remember the God once in a day
God has power of everything just you have to "Pray"

By: Mr. Sumit Sharma
Senior Customer Service Executive –Amritsar

By Raymond Henry

Independence Day

Indian Independence Day is celebrated on August 15th every year to commemorate the freedom and independence of India from British colonial rule. This year we celebrate the 77th Independence Day. This day holds immense significance in the history of India as it marks the end of over 200 years of British domination.

India's struggle for independence was a long and arduous journey that spanned several decades. The country's fight against British colonial rule was led by numerous brave freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to secure India's freedom. These heroes played a crucial role in shaping the destiny of the nation.

These freedom fighters faced immense hardships and made tremendous sacrifices for their country. They endured imprisonment, torture, and even death without losing sight of their goal – a free India. Their unwavering determination and indomitable spirit continue to inspire generations.

On this day in 1947, India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, hoisted the national flag at the Red Fort in Delhi, declaring India as a sovereign nation. The event was witnessed by thousands of people who had fought tirelessly for their country's freedom. Independence Day is not just a celebration; it is a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals who fought for their rights and dignity. It serves as an opportunity to honour those brave souls who laid down their lives for our freedom. The day begins with flag hoisting ceremonies across the country, followed by cultural programs showcasing India's rich heritage and diversity. Patriotic songs are sung and speeches are delivered to inspire citizens to uphold the values of unity, peace, and progress.

Furthermore, Independence Day also serves as a time for reflection on how far we have come as a nation since gaining independence. It reminds us that we must continue working towards social justice, equality, and economic development.

In conclusion, Indian Independence Day is not just a celebration; it is an occasion to pay homage to our freedom fighters and reflect on our journey towards becoming an independent nation. It reminds us that we must strive for progress while upholding the principles that define our great nation.

By: Raymond Henry

By: Team SpicyReflection

Hartalika Teej

Hartalika Teej is one of the major festivals of North India. On the third day of North Indian Lunar month also known as Bhadrapud, this festival is celebrated. This festival is observed by the women folk. They fast at the evening hours of Hartalika Teej and continue fasting till next day without even drinking water. They pray to Goddess Parvati &Lord Shiva and stay up all night. The fast is also known as nishivasar nirjala vrat.

In India, it is mainly celebrated in Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. This year Hartalika Teej will be celebrated on 19th Aug, 2023.

By: Team SpicyReflection

By: Mr. Vishnu Ramesan
(Sr. Manager – Ground Services)


Onam is a traditional harvest festival celebrated in the state of Kerala, India. It is one of the most important festivals for Malayalis, and it holds great cultural significance. The festival lasts for ten days and marks the homecoming of King Mahabali, a mythical king who ruled Kerala in ancient times.

The celebrations of Onam are filled with joy and enthusiasm. People decorate their houses with beautiful flower carpets called pookalams, which are made using various colourful flowers. The highlight of the festival is the grand feast called Onasadya, where a variety of delicious vegetarian dishes are served on banana leaves.


Onam also features several cultural activities like boat races, traditional dances like Kathakali and Thiruvathira Kali, and music performances. People dress up in traditional attire like kasavu sarees and mundu for these events.

The legend behind Onam revolves around King Mahabali's generosity and his love for his people. According to mythology, Lord Vishnu took the form of Vamana (a dwarf) to test Mahabali's devotion to his subjects. Impressed by Mahabali's selflessness, Lord Vishnu granted him a boon that he could visit his kingdom once every year during Onam.

The significance of Onam lies in its ability to bring people together. It is a time when families and friends come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and enjoy sumptuous feasts. The festival promotes harmony and strengthens the bond between individuals, irrespective of caste or religion.

Onam also showcases the vibrant culture of Kerala through various art forms like Kathakali, Pulikali, and Vallamkali (boat races). These performances not only entertain but also educate people about the history and traditions of the state.

Onam is not just a festival but an embodiment of Kerala's rich culture and heritage. It brings people together to celebrate unity, prosperity, and happiness. The vibrant festivities create an atmosphere filled with love and warmth that transcends all boundaries.

By: Mr. Vishnu Ramesan (Sr. Manager – Ground Services)

By: Team Jharsuguda


Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi, is a significant festival celebrated in India that symbolizes the bond of love and protection between brothers and sisters. This ancient tradition has a rich history dating back to several centuries.

The origin of Raksha Bandhan can be traced back to various mythological stories. One popular legend revolves around Lord Krishna and Draupadi. When Draupadi tore a piece of her saree to bandage Krishna's bleeding finger during a battle, he promised to protect her in return. This act of love and loyalty established the foundation of Raksha Bandhan.


The festival holds immense importance in Indian culture as it strengthens the bond between siblings. On this day, sisters tie colourful threads called "Rakhis" around their brothers' wrists, symbolizing their love and prayers for their well-being. In return, brothers pledge to protect their sisters from all adversities.

Raksha Bandhan transcends biological relationships and extends to friends, cousins, or even neighbours who share a sibling-like bond. It promotes unity and harmony among individuals by fostering feelings of care and affection.

By: Team Jharsuguda

Appreciation All Around – Keep Up The Great Work!!

Click of the month

Customer Delight Moments & Celebrations at Airports

Happy Moments with Passengers

Happy Moments with Passengers

Happy Moments with Passengers


Team Srinagar


Customer Delight Moments

Aviation Security Culture Week

Kargil Vijay Divas at Gwalior

It was our pleasure to meet the Indian cricketer Mr. Nitish Rana

We were pleased to meet the Beautiful actress with a golden heart😊, humble and kin Ms. Kajal Aggarwal at Mumbai airport!!

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - July 2023 Edition

Mr. Hari Prasad (Supervisor – Bangalore)

Let’s congratulate the top first 10 winners with correct answers ☺

Winner of Most Liked Video Contest – July 2023 Edition

Team –SpiceJet ☺

Winner of the Click of the Month Contest - July 2023 Edition

Mr. Nitin Rajput (HJR)

Just Laugh

Contributions By: Mr. Vishnu Ramesan (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Ms. Poonam Yadav (Sr. Manager – Ground Services) and Mr. Manish Tomar (Sr. Executive – Ground Services)

Compiled and Presented By: Mr. Raymond Henry (Manager-Ground Services)

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (August 2023)

Motivational Videos

Isabella And The Old Man - a story about doubt



Upcoming !

Please share your Ideas/Articles with us by 17th August 2023 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com