

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

Heartiest Congratulations for the 17th Birth Day of our beloved SpiceJet!!

This journey of 17 years has been amazing with lots of ups and downs, however SpiceJetters have proved their resilience and grit. This successful journey of 17 years would not have been possible without you. Each one of you has contributed significantly to the success of SpiceJet. On this occasion let us re-dedicate ourselves to take our SpiceJet to greater heights with focus on 100% service with smile and ‘Customer-centricity’. We must continue our efforts to provide delightful experience to our customers. The delightful customers only will help us in soaring high into the skies.

SpiceJetis expanding its International operations to Muscat, Colombo, Hong Kong, Chittagong and Singapore in the coming days.

In the last edition of SpicyReflection we covered the topic ‘Sense of Gratitude’, under the series ‘Nurture your talent’, I am sure these articles must have helped us in improving our individual and group behavior.

In this edition we have travelled from Ajmer to Amritsar and will showcase the history and culture of Amritsar under the topic ‘My City My Place’. It will be a great experience to know more about the‘Golden City’. This edition will also tell us all about “Chitai Golu Devta Temple” in Uttarakhand.

I would also like to congratulate the winner of SpicyReflection Quiz (April 2022 Edition) Ms. Harpreet Kaur from Amritsar. We would also like to see more of our colleagues participating in the quiz and winning surprise gifts.

Hope you all will enjoy this edition of SpicyReflection filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts and will share your feedback and ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page SpicyReflection on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Episode 3: Propel your career with ‘Customer-centricity’ - By: Mr. GP Gupta

Any organization / business is set up to serve the customers. No business is set up for self service. If there is no customer, the business will not last long. A lot of large brands have evaporated from the global map as they could not keep pace with customer-centricity e.g. Nokia cell phones.

Meaning of ‘Customer-centricity’
Customer-centricity is the ability of people / organization to understand the customer’s needs, expectations, perceptions, preferences and create a meaningful experiences and build lasting organizational relationships with them.

Customer-centricity means putting the customer first and at the center of everything we do.Provide the customer with what customer will need. Customer-centricity is a culture that needs to run across the organization like a thread from the CEO to the last employee in the front line. From an airline business perspective, this culture needs to run from the CEO to the Baggage Handlers. Please remember an example when you were reading in a dim light and someone increases the light or someone offers a cup of tea when you are tired.

Why Customer-centricity
Any business is done for the customers only. If there is no customer, there is no business. Businesses only grow when the business is able to attract more customers and is able to retain the existing customers. The cost of acquiring a new customer is 5-25 times higher than the cost of retaining an existing customer. The customer is the reason for our existence in the organization. It is the customer who pays us the salary through the organization.

Once Late Shri Mahatma Gandhi said,
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”

“If we do not take care of our customers, someone else will do.”

How customer-centricity is relevant to airlines
Airlines sell a promise to the customer that on a particular date and time they will carry the customer from airport A to airport B with the other underlying promises that airlines will facilitate the customers in the whole process (of course with 100% ‘Eye contact, Smile and Greetings), the flight will be safe, customers baggage will safely travel with them and the baggage will be delivered back to the customer intact as were received from them (i.e. without any damages or pilferages) etc. When we fail to adhere to these promises, it results into customer complaints. Just think of customer’s emotional breakdown when he / she receives the baggage broken, pilfered or do not receive the bag at arrival. Sometime the whole purpose of travel is lost.

Customer complaints mean a highly dis-satisfied customer who in all the probability will not choose us again. It means we will need to look for an alternate customer and spend 5-25 times cost to acquire a new customer. The responsibility for ‘not to fail in our promises’ lies on every employee, however the accountability lies on the leadership level i.e. the supervisor and above. Airlines need customers to fly planes.

How to achieve customer-centricity
It is easier said than done to achieve customer-centricity. The biggest challenge is to make people understand it and adapt it in true spirit. The leadership team in the organization needs to take this challenge and succeed with this. Once the whole organization adapt to this, life becomes easy. For an example just look at, how the bags are handled by the baggage handlers. If each bag is handled, the way we would handle our own bags, the baggage damage / loss would reduce to a great extent and there would be no missing item.

Some of the main points that will help in achieving customer-centricity are as under:-

• Full understanding of the product / promise across the organization till the last level.

• Devise SOPs / processes / systemsto ensure successful delivery of product and promises in a transparent manner.

• Anticipate customer’s needs, wants, expectation and perception and keep system ready to meet them in line with organization policies. We must deliver all the promises with 100% ‘Eye contact, Smile and Greetings’ at all the customer touch points.If the customer needs, wants, expectation and perception are against the organizational polices, then such organizational policies need to be explained to the customer. It is our job to educate the customer, as we need the customer more than the customer needs us.

• Maintain effective real time supervision.

• Be easily accessible to deal with emerging situation.

• Take customer’s feedback in perspective.

• Talk to the customer in person or on phone to get the first hand feedback.

• Take immediate corrective action to avoid re-occurrence

Once we achieve customer-centricity, our as well as organizational success is ensured.

“If there is no customer, there is no business.”

“Customer will leave the brand they love, even after one bad experience.”

“Customer-centricity decides the success or failure of people and organizations.”

I hope you will understand and explain ‘Customer-centricity’ to your team in order to achieve it.

Mr. Manoj Jain
Vice President – ATF & Insurance

Pulse of Wisdom

Why Savings is Important

During Covid-19 every one has realised and understand the value of money and also understood why saving is important. Saving money is one of the essential aspect of building wealth and having a secure financial future. Saving money gives you a way out of the uncertainties of life and provides you with an opportunity to enjoy a quality life. It can support you in your hour of need and ensure that your family has something to fall back in case of an unfortunate event. Savings is a vital component of your life and most importantly you can also rely on savings for safeguarding your family needs in unfavourable times.

There are many reasons to save and several ways to save money. Some of the important aspects of saving that everyone should know.

Reasons why saving money is important

Savings is crucial for everyone, regardless of their earnings, spending and life stage. Below are some reasons, why you need to start savings.

  • • Peace of mind:
    Knowing that you have a certain amount accumulated for times of your need, gives you the peace of mind. You can lead a stress-free life with the knowledge that you will not have to struggle if things take an unexpected route.

  • • Better future:
    Your savings can be the answer to a number of your goals. You can buy a house, accumulate funds for your retirement, or purchase a vehicle. You can secure your future, indulge in the best of things that life has to offer and live a very fulfilling life.

  • • Children’s education:
    With a considerable amount of savings, you can fulfil your children’s dreams and can give them the best education.

  • • Family Security:
    By saving in a disciplined manner, you can make sure that your family is well-provided for. In unfortunate times, your savings can act as a cushion for your loved ones and help them to overcome any financial difficulty.

By: Mr. Manoj Jain (Vice President – ATF & Insurance)

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

Human experiments for flying started with kite flying around 400 B.C. in China. As centuries passed, in 1793, the hot air balloons started to be seen in sky. Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier first invented hot air balloon. They used the smoke from a fire to blow hot air into a silk bag. The silk bag was attached to a basket. The hot air then rose and allowed the balloon to be lighter-than-air. In 1783, the first passengers in the colorful balloon were a sheep, rooster and duck. After this first success, the brothers began to send men up in balloons. The first manned flight was on November 21, 1783, the passengers were Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier.

The discovery of hydrogen in the 17th century led to the development of the first hydrogen balloon. In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers, including Jacques-Étienne and Joseph-Michel, flew the first unmanned hot air balloon over Annonay, France.

In 1900, German military officer, Ferdinand Zeppelin invented a rigid framed dirigible or airship that became known as the Zeppelin.

Hindenburg was a luxury airship, powered by Hydrogen to float (zeppelin design) which took flights from Frankfurt, Germany to New York.

The Hindenburg accident occurred on May 6, 1937, in Manchester Township, New Jersey, United States. The German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at Naval Air Station Lakehurst. The accident caused 35 fatalities (13 passengers and 22 crewmen) from the 97 people on board (36 passengers and 61 crewmen), and an additional fatality on the ground.

Below are the videos which not only prove the popularity of Air travel but also indicate a single disaster can put a brake on growing industry.


The Hindenburg accident put an end to lighter than air, Hydrogen powered designs and paved way for heavier than air controlled flights, which was pioneered by the Wright brothers, who successfully flew the first manned, controlled, fixed wing and heavier than air flight on 17th Dec. 1903

Spicy Talents

Pearl Lenora Gomes (GOI)

Ms. Pearl Lenora Gomes is working with us as Customer Service Executive at Goa station. She hales from Goa and her family is her strength, which consist of 04 members - a supportive father Mr. Blasio Gomes who is working with Goa Shipyard, her mother Mrs. RubinaGonsalves who is her inspiration & a home maker, and her elder brother Mr. Clinton Gomes who always supports her in chasing her dreams.

Ms. Pearl Gomes is passionate about music since childhood, she is a Rapper! It’s a very rare to find a lady rapper in today’s world especially in India.

She has followed her dream and made it into a reality by launching her own Rap song “Rise Up”, the song was composed by herself and the inspiration was given by her mother Ms. RubinaGonsalves. It was her mother teachings which inspired her to compose this song “Rise Up”.

“Rise Up”!is a song about never giving up even in tough times. It’s to find strength and motivation from those days when you thought you wouldn't overcome but you have, to inspire yourself to bounce back 100 times Harder and Rise up.

Click here to watch the video of her song “Rise Up”!!

Prabhjeet Singh (ATQ)

My dream was to join aviation industry and SpiceJet helped me to fulfil my dream. As a child I loved to see aircrafts flying and use to wonder how they are flying so high and now even I am surprised that I am working in the same aviation industry. It also gives me immense pleasure to state that I also love sketching. In my free time I love to make sketches. Sketching motivates me and SpiceJet gave me the opportunity to show my talent on a bigger platform. I would like to say Thank you to SpiceJet for recognizing and promoting our talents.

My City My Place

Sat Sri Akal -AMRITSAR- “The Golden CITY” (By-Team Amritsar)

Amritsar was founded by Sri Guru Ram Das ji, the fourth Guru of the Sikhs in about 1574 AD. The city is located in Punjab state of India. It is situated at a distance of 28 Km from the border with Pakistan. It is one of the most developed and cleanest cities of India.

Everything about Amritsar is special.
• It is one of the most visited as well as loved city. Amritsar is the heart of Punjab. Along with the positivity of religion, the place also has many attractions that make people fall in love with its beauty. It is truly blessed with the perfect combination of tradition, religion and culture.

• GOLDEN TEMPLE: Thousands of people visit Golden Temple everyday and it increases on weekends & special days. It speaks for its beautiful architecture and peaceful as well as relaxing surroundings.
• Furthermore places like “JallianwalaBagh”, “Wagah Border”. “Gobindgarh Fort”, “DurgianaMandir” etc. are considered as special places in and around Amritsar. Its mesmerized beauty will make all fall in love with its elegance. Besides this, Amritsar is a very “spick and span” city. Hospitality of the city is loved by everyone.
• Special food that one cannot miss: AmritsariKulcha, SarsonkaSaag&Makkiki roti, Tandoori chicken & so on.

The people of Amritsar are full of zest and culture here is incredible.

Sumit Sharma (CSE) - ATQ

तू मंज़िल की तलाश कर

तू मंज़िल की तलाश कर!!!!
इस अजनबियों के संसार में
तू बैठा ना जाना हार कर
डगमगाए कितने भी तेरे कदम
तू मंज़िल की तलाश कर!!

आएंगी सौ कठिनाईया
तू निडर हो के पार कर
घबराना नहीं तू मुश्किलों से
तू मंज़िल की तलाश कर!!

खुशियों से दामन भर जाएगा
मंज़िल के पास पहुंच कर
इस हौसले को ऐसे रखना जवान
तू मंज़िल की तलाश कर!!

जो थक हार के बैठ गए
तू जगना इक्क मशाल बन
कुछ रोशनी भरना उनके मन में
तू मंज़िल की तलाश कर!!

By: Sumit Sharma (CSE) - ATQ

Harpreet Kaur
Duty Supervisor – ATQ

Stand tall and show the world what you are

Stand tall and show the world what you are made of

When the world beats you down, find a reason to get back up again.

Never give up on success.
Try, try, try and try again. Feed your mind with ideas of success, not failure.

Remember, the only way you can fail is ifyou give up.
Every time you fail, you comeone step closer to success.

You are not scared; you are courageous.
You are not weak; you are powerful. You are not ordinary; you are remarkable.

Do not back down, do not give up.

Most people master the obvious; you create something that wasn't there before.
It's bold, it's beautiful, and it's you.

Give it your best, and your dreams will come to life. Success is yours.

Go for your dreams; it is your turn.

By: Harpreet Kaur (Duty Supervisor – ATQ)

Mr. Vijay Dalakoti

Chitai Golu Devata Temple – God of Justice (Nyay)

In the Rigveda, Uttarakhand has been called Devbhoomi. A land where gods and goddesses reside. Nestled in the lap of the Himalayas, this most sacred area is said to be the land of full action of sages. There are many wondrous temples of gods and goddesses in Uttarakhand. The fame of these temples is spread not only in India but also abroad. One of these temples is also of Golu Devata. Golu Devata is called the god of justice.

There is such a temple of Golu Devata in Uttarakhand, where by writing a letter, the wish is fulfilled, justice is received. The famous Temple of Chitai Almora is the Golu Devata Chitai temple, dedicated to Golu or Goljyu Devata an Avtar (incarnation) of Lord Shiva in the form of Gaur Bhairav. He rides a white horse and is considered the one who always does justice. Although there are many temples of Golu Devata in Almora but the Chitai Golu Devata is the most sacred one. It is reputed to make every wish come true, When the wish is fulfilled, the bell is offered in the temple. You will get an idea that the wish of any Devotee sought here never remains unfulfilled.

Everything about Chitai Golu Devata Mandir, Almora: Chitai Golu Temple is on Pithoragarh Highway, eight kilometers from Almora. There is a grand temple of Golu Devata here. Inside the temple, there is an idol of Golu Devata in a white horse with a white turban on his head, holding a bow and arrow in his hands. Devotees from far and wide come to this temple to seek justice.

Makes every wish come true - Golu Devata travels so far distance on his horse to meet the people of his kingdom. Golu darbar used to take place by Golu Devata to hear the problem of the people in every possible way. His heart is always open for the people to support them in a difficult time. He was always ready to help them in every possible way. He Devoted his life to the people due to this he led up a very simple life and always follow the principle of brahmacharya. Every year there is a ceremony held in many villages which are known as jagar. Devotees perform 3 days or 9 days pooja and give offerings in the name of Golu Devata also known as Goreel Devata in the Chamoli region, Gollu Devata is also known as the kull Devata. Golu Devata comes in the “Jagar” to listen to the problem of the people, asks about their justice inbhelf of injustice have done to them or their family and help them in every possible way. Golu Devata is known as the god of justice. GoluDevata offered with a white cloth with Pigms and white shawl. Devotees offers Gee, Milk, Curd, Halwa, Poori, Pokuri to Golu Devata Ji.

Inside the temple, a local singer sings praises to the God in a loud voice. Outside, pilgrims jostle for space to get a glimpse and blessings of their dear God.

How to reach Chitai Golu Devata Temple Almora Uttarakhand? The temple is 8 kms from Almora. It is well connected by road so you can easily reach there by either your own private vehicle or shared taxi cabs.

By Road;
Golu Mandir is situated at a distance of 390 kms from Delhi. If you want to visit this temple, then you will get a direct bus from Anand Vihar to Almora. Apart from this, you can also go to Haldwani from Delhi first and then take a car from here to Almora.

By Air;
Delhi to Pantnagar and Pantnagar to Haldwani by Car/Bus and Haldwani to Almora by surface transportation. The nearest Airport is at Pantnagar, which is just 124 km away, traveller can book a taxi or can take a bus to reach the temple.

By Train;
The nearest Railway station is at Kathgodham, which is just 94 km away. Travellers can book a taxi over there or can take a bus to the temple.

Best Places to visit near Golu Devata Almora
• Bansar Wildlife Sanctuary
• KasarDevi Temple Almora
• ChaulikiJali
• MukteshwarDham Temple
• Nanda Devi Mandir
• Best time to visit – You can visit this beautiful temple throughout the year but the best time to visit this temple is March, April, May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov.
• Location – Almora, Kumaon(It is just 9 km away from the Almora Main city)
• Entry fees: none (free)
• Exploration time – 2 hours
• Best part about this temple is that you will get an amazing view of the Kumaon mountains and the beautiful Himalayas.

Opening and Closing timings of the Chitai Golu Devata temple:
6 AM to 7 PM. Differs slightly based on the seasons. Entry is free.

By: Mr. Vijay Dalakoti


Customer Delight Moments & Celebrations at Airports

Inauguration of PantNagar

Watch Instagram Reel

Earth Day celebrations at Airports (Chennai, Khushinagar, Khajuraho & Pantnagar)

Celebrations at our Airports & Head Office

MahaAshtmi – By Team Jammu
World Health Day – By Team HO & Jaipur
Baisakhi – By Team HO & Amritsar

Mahavir Jayanti - By Team HO & Kolkata
Dr.Ambedkar Jayanti - By Team Jharsuguda
Dr.Ambedkar Jayanti – By Team HO & Gwalior

Vishu – By Team HO &Pudducherry
Vishu– By Team Cochin
Bihu & PoelaBaisakh – By Team Silchar & Kolkata

Good Friday – By Team HO
Hanuman Jayanti – By Team Ho& Gwalior

By Team Cochin
Appreciation by Actor Sanjay Verma
Fame of TV Serial BhabhiJi Ghar Pe Hai
Earth Day
By Team HO & Jharsuguda

Earth Day
By Team Ahmedabad
Rap Music Video by our Goa staff
Ms. Pearl Lenora Gomes
RRR moment
With Jharsuguda

Glimpses of Fun Friday on Instagram - April 2022

We witnessed the presence of our Civil Aviation Minister Mr. JyotiradityaScindia @ Pantnagar

Glimpses of the India visit of the Prime Minister of Mauritius Mr. PravindJugnauth (Rajkot – Varanasi – Delhi)

Recently we had Delightful moment with Superstars Mr. Puneet Issar, Mr. GovindNamDev and Ms. Pridhi Sharma @ Gwalior

Meeting our former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Mr. Digvijaya Singh @ Gwalior

Moment with Gujrati Folk singer Mr. ParthivGohil @ Porbandar

Moments with the Prince of Kolkata Mr. Sourav Ganguly @ CCU

Moments with the Billiards Champion Mr. Sourav Kothari @ CCU

Honoured moment with Shri. Swami Sivananda @Varanasi

It was a great moment to meet the Kannada superstar Mr. Yash (Naveen Kumar Gowda) @ Kochi

It was a great moment meeting Ms. Mouni Roy @ Jaipur

Meeting with the chief Minister of Sikkim Mr. P S Tamang @Darbhanga

Great moment to meet the Bhojpuri superstar and Member of Parliament Mr. Ravi Kishan @Gorakhpur

It is always nice to meet people like our superstar Mr. Surendra Pal @Delhi

Customer Delight Moments

Message from Champions Desk

March 2022

Customer Delight Airport - Category 1 (HYD)

“When the actions become frequent than the words, success becomes heavier than thedreams. Do more, Say less.” We all believe that “to accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but execute the plan and believe in ourselves.” Because, a team is a group of people with different abilities, talents, experience and backgrounds who have come together for a shared purpose. Despite their individual differences, that common goal provides the thread that defines them as a team.

Our team spirit and unique approach made us to feel happy and win Delightful Customer Airport Award for the month of Mar 2022. There are no words to express our Happiness. But, Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best. We are always determined to do our best by following the MOTTO of our team, “ Soar Higher” which, inspires and motivates us to achieve our goals through hard work and perseverance.

Coming together is beginning,
Keeping together is progress,
But working together is SUCCESS.

- Mahavir Singh Gaur (APM-HYD)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 2 (GWL)

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team strength. We would like to thanks all individual for making it possible again. 😊

- Faraz Ahmed Siddiqui (APM-GWL)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 3 (KNU)

We are deeply humbled,extremely honoured and grateful to be the recipient of this award. I am in a role where I have to motivate my team to engage with passengers to achieve the best hospitality services. We believed in ourselves and knowing what motivates us all helped us to achieve this success.I knew our team likes engaging with passengers. We have created an ambience to match our affable nature and our collaboration resulted in achieving the "Customer's Delight". Looking forward and hope this honour remains with us.

- Jaswant Singh Rawat (APM-KNU)

Customer Delight Airport - Category 4 (KBK)

We were a new team and with the proper guidance and positive moral we all were boost up towards our target which is delightful customer. The team with focus and vision to achieve the target had put efforts and made sure that we are the best team. This award shows the team effort and team effort of Khushinagar, hence I dedicate it to all my team members and congratulate for the same.

- Kapil Kumar Khare (APM - KBK)

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - April 2022 Edition

Ms. Harpreet Kaur (Duty Supervisor – Amritsar)

Just Laugh

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (May 2022)

Motivational Videos

Believe In Yourself

Wisdom Of The Ants

Upcoming !

Next month edition will cover “Labour Day / Id-Ul-Fitr / Mother’s Day / Budha Purnima / SpiceJet 17th Anniversary , so please contribute with your Ideas/articles by 22nd May 2022 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com