

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

Happy International Women’s Day!

On this occasion, we are pleased to release the First Edition of Ground Service’s monthly digital magazine ‘SpicyReflection’. As the name suggest, this magazine will reflect our smile, our day to day work, customer delight moments and fun time.We will also have a series called ‘Nurture Your Talent’. It will have articles on various critical aspects of ‘Leadership Growth’ which are rarely available. These articles will give you lots of learnings to nurture your talent further.

The ‘Customer Delight’ moments of Ground Services celebrated across SpiceJet network have been an enormous success and our customers just loved it! Let us keep the momentum up!.

All of us will be celebrating ‘International Women’s Day’, ‘Holi’ and ‘International Day of Happiness’ this month. Please stay safe and enjoy to the fullest.

In the March 2022 issue of SpicyReflection, you will read how to propel your career with your behavior. There is an interesting articles about Ahmedabad, the city of our ‘First Love’.

As the third wave of Covid-19 is waning away and we move towards better times, let's take our service levels to new heights with focus on ‘100% Eye Contact, Smile and Greetings’. Let us further strengthen our bond with our customers with flawless services.

Our sincere gratitude to each one of you for yourunwavering support and resilience during this pandemic!.

We request you to contribute to this magazine with your ideas, articles and videos.

Hope you will enjoy ‘SpicyReflection March 2022’ and join our fun filled ‘Instagram page and ‘YouTube channel ‘SpicyReflection’.

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

International Women’s Days Special

by Mr. GP Gupta

God created both Women and Men equal and made Women as the creative force of the universe in almost all its expressions. Life begins in her womb and it is in her guiding hands with tender care that it finds expression.

Women and men are equally important in society for its growth, development and leading it into more beautiful and healthy future. They are the backbone for a progressing nation. Demographically, half a population of the world constitutes women, and they deserve equal importance and rights in society.

From keeping the home safe and clean to portraying excellent outcomes in the workplace, a woman can do it all. Their capabilities must not be underestimated based on their gender, and they MUST be given equal opportunity to display their talents. It is essential for us to know, understand and respect the status of women in our society.

A women works relentlessly round the clock in her different roles, that of mother, sister, wife, daughter, friend, counselor, all at once; juggling it all to perfection.

She rejuvenates you, and makes you come alive. She comforts you, builds your confidence and makes you feel proud to be a part of her world. She guides you to your goals, cajoling you, into staying focused and when you achieve your dreams she stands behind you in your shadow cloaked in the warmth of your success.

She gives unconditional, loves beyond reason, and forgives you; time and time again. She puts her ambitions on the back to help you with yours. She takes pride in your achievements and holds your hands throughout your disappointments. She’s there for you, when everyone has turned their backs on you, and it is her faith in you that makes you, to rise like a Phoenix.

She is always there in every form. Behind every successful man there is a woman, yes, a mother (who lays the foundation stone of our value system), a wife (as a backbone) a daughter (as a treasure), a friend (as an unwavering partner), a sister (who brings reasons to smile), andat SpiceJet as acolleague, who make travel delightful for millions of our passengers.

On this Women’s day, let’s take a pledge for 'Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow' #BreakTheBias

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Episode 1: "Propel Your Career With Your Behaviour” - By: Mr. GP Gupta

Worldwide studies have shown that 76% failures in professional life are attributed to our personal behavioral issues. Only 24% failures are recognized as technical or task oriented disappointments. Who controls our behavior? Of course, we!

Parents spend lot of money and sleepless nights in getting the best of education for their kids, however there is very little effort to improve the behavior. With the change in times, even kids do not listen to the advices for improving the behavior from their parents or others. Everyone learns the hard ways and sometimes at the cost of job and career. Price is too high to pay!

Improving behavior does not require you to spend big money, it just needs a little conscious effort and patience. Improving your behavior will not only save you from lot of failures, but at the same time, will propel your career growth. Everyone loves to have well behaved people in their teams. Following are certain important behavioral aspects which will help you in propelling your career growth:-

Practicing Eye Contact, Smile and Greetings

Eye contact is the Wi-Fi connectivity between two individuals, rest all is data transfer i.e. exchange of communication. Eye contact coupled with smile and greetings automatically communicates that ‘you care’, ‘you exist for them’, ‘you are a positive person’, ‘you are a happy person’ etc. No words are required. Along with absorbing negativity, it emits positivity, happiness and emotional connect. It is a medically proven fact that smile secretes lot of hormones in our body which keep the body healthy, happy and positive.

It has been observed that smile quotient of people is not more than 50%. I do not know what stops people from practicing ‘Eye Contact, Smile and Greetings’. There is no cost and quota for the same! :)

To give a push to your career it is a must that you practice 100% Eye Contact, Smile and Greetings when meeting people. Let us be happy and spread happiness around.

Be Humble and Polite

It does not cost us to be humble and polite. Be a natural human being who is well grounded. This will demonstrate that you are a gracious person. Always be a patient listener. Be mindful of the tone and words you use. Always be receptive in your behavior and avoid unnecessary aggression. Be positive and use positive words.


You should always be open and transparent. Work like you are working under a camera with live telecast. Never manipulate things as facts cannot be hidden. One day truth will come out. Even if mistake happen, there is no harm in accepting it.

Appreciate Others

Everyone loves to have feedback for their actions and efforts, especially from the people for whom they serve. If you feel happy for something you got or you see, you must effectively and timely communicate your feeling to that person. It will further motivate them to do better as they know that output of their efforts was liked. Do not miss a single chance of saying ‘thank you’ to the people. Thank you should always be conveyed with smile.

Strong sense of gratitude

Deeper feeling of thankfulness is known as sense of gratitude. You should always express your gratitude to the person who has helped in your achievements.

Offer help when needed

If you think that someone needs your help and you could be helpful, immediately offer your help. This offer to help will communicate a very strong sense of belongingness and you will always be remembered.

Positive body posture

One should always practice positive body posture based on the people, place and time. Please remember your body posture communicates before you do.

Respect others

Practice what you preach. If you want to get respected, please start respecting others. The more you respect others, the more respect you earn.


Always remember that we are living in a dynamic world. What worked yesterday, may or may not work today and what is working today, may or may not work tomorrow. One should always be flexible to learn new ideas, new things or new and smart ways of doing work.

All the above points will increase your acceptability in the organization which will accelerate your growth.

‘Control your behavior, before it controls you’!

In the next issue we will discuss impediments to success.

Mr. Sumant Rautela
Head Of Ground Services

Pulse of Wisdom

Dear Colleagues,

On the Launch of this digital magazine, I wish you and your families a healthy and prosperous future. With the start of spring season when the Mother Nature will be in its full bloom, we must take a few lessons in order to be happy, satisfied and successful on personal and professional front.

Our profession is driven by two concepts- Safety and Passenger Experience

Aviation is the safest mode of transportation and hence automatic choice of passengers. It becomes our prime responsibility to ensure consistent safe operations. Awareness is key and ensures we know what we do!! Question yourself-Will my action have a positive or negating impact on safety of operations to clear any doubts.

Safety as is said: "It's not just about rules and regulations, the dos and don'ts. Safety is a value we live by in our company, we take this personally and truly own."

Every year, safety accidents cost aviation companies millions of revenue outflow in lost productivity, injury expenses, operational repairs, and much more.

The best way to perform is by establishing goals, monitoring safety performance, and holding workers responsible to follow company standards. Managers and supervisors are required to implement and monitor incident & accident prevention measures which ensure we are compliant with safety rules, programs, and procedures.

Passenger Experience: Small steps taken to perform better always result in enhancement of Knowledge and skills, which eventually prepare oneself for bigger roles.

Passengers have their own expectations varying from comfort & pampering to smooth hassle-free travel. We can and must ensure to come up to most expectations of passengers and the only way is to treat them with compassion and Empathy.

MUST remember that attitude is the only deciding factor between failure and success, between staying in one place or moving forward to attain greater heights- professionally and personally!!

Do well, Good luck.

- Sumant Rautela, Head Of Ground Services

Spicy Talents

Mr.Indrajith (COK)

The conqueror, The victory… He proved why his parents named him Indrajith. Mr.Indrajith is presently working as Customer Service Executive in SpiceJet Airlines at Cochin International Airport. But his crowns are much more to see in detail… He…

➢ Won the first place in all Kerala Kabaddi competition

➢ Won the Overall Champion at Higher Secondary school level

➢ Won the State Level Sanskrit Drama competition at Higher Secondary school level

➢ Won the First Prize in Independence Day Parade competition held at Thekinkad-Thrissur

➢ Participated in Republic Day camp conducted by NCC

➢ Champion of Thrissur district kick-boxing and selected to national games

➢ Won the third place in all Kerala Wushu kick-boxing champion ship held at Trivandrum

It shows how he excelled in various curricular activities by defeating all the hardships in his life. He set to be an example to others that believing in self will never be defeated and never be withdrawn from success. Indrajith has been a living inspiration for all the youngsters. We SpiceJet wishes you all the very best to step into more heights…

Ms. Debolina Paul (GGN)

Ms. Debolina Paul is Certified Self Defense Instructor with SpiceJet Limited. She is certified Level 5 Self Defence Instructor from the Skill Development Council of India. She has achieved Black belt 2nd DAN in Taekwondo from Kukkiwon (Korea), World Taekwondo Headquarters, International Bronze medalist in Hapkido(held in South Korea),National Taekwondo coach from Varanasi Taekwondo district association affiliated to Niti Aayog, Yoga Volunteer by Yoga Certification Board under Ministry of Ayush (Govt of India) & will be awarded National Diamond Award from S.K Martial Art Foundation on 3rd April 2022, Karnal, Haryana. She is also a National Judge (Grade-A) from National Martial Arts Committee India.

Mr.Wasim Akram Mollah (GGN)

Grand Master Wasim Akram Mollah is Certified Self Defence Instructor with SpiceJet Limited. He has achieved World Record in 292 Slap Kicks in One Minute, in a stationary Position. Asian Record 'Grand Master' title achieved for performing the most slap kicks in one minute without dropping the foot on the floor. National Record, Maximum Number of Slap Kicks (307 kicks) in a minute by lifting 20kg weight in the beard. Black Belt in 4th DAN in Taekwondo from South Korea, 3rd DAN in Kick boxing, 1st DAN in Hapkido, National Referee, Taekwondo, Hapkido, kick boxing. Grappling & Jeet-Kune-Do. He has received International Awards 02 times and national 07 times. He has got other Certification, TOT Self Defence Instructor from Govt. Of India, Advance Taekwondo Training completed from South Korea, NCC 'C' Certificate with a 'B' grade, Participated in National Shooting competition (.22 German Rifle) and last but not the least Army Training, Tracking, Rock Climbing, Mountaineering, shooting knowledge with (SLR, LMG, Pistol & Sports Rifle), Parasailing, River Rafting, Trained from 21 Para SF, Assam.

Moments of Delight

Our Employees Paying Tribute to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose on his 125th Birth Anniversary at Kolkata

Glimpse of Republic Day Celebration at our airports

Celebration of LOVE at our airports on Valentines Day

SpiceJet pays tribute to our Martyrs of Pulwama attack

Message from Champions Desk

November 2021

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 1

"Never Give Up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn". Crests and troughs are part of life, but victory knocks your door when you are ready for them. the month of November was glorious for our station and taught us to struggle as a team to become stronger, better and wiser to face the challenges coming ahead. Our team supported and strengthened the station with their excellent performance in all aspects of dignified service, a friendly approach and delightful customer experience. Our Team spirit and unique approach made us win Delightful Customer Airport Award.

- Mahavir Singh Gaur (APM-HYD)

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 2

Effective planning and on time execution of the same leads to results. Our main motive is the satisfaction of our passengers and keeping in view their expectations from us is what remains our plan of action. We always tried to incorporate the "WOW factor" for our passengers.

This is a team work, efforts of each and everyone which turned up into an Award.

Guidance from our seniors played a vital role in achieving the goal.

"There is no secrets to success, it is the result of planning, hard work and learning from failure."

- Faraz Ahmed Siddiqui (APM-GWL)

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 3

"Be a quality person & success will follow" is the mantra. Team has to enjoy what they do, aim for a common goal with the right attitude & all energies channelized in one direction, then transformation for good happens.

- V.P Sujith Kumar (APM-JRG)

December 2021

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 1

All Staff were very enthusiastic to get an instant feedback for their services and collected feedback at all touch points. Arrival hall is the best place to get a genuine feedback as it is the last touch point in passenger's travel cycle and place where it sums up with all the feelings related to journey of the passenger. We made sure that we get the most neutral and genuine feedback at this point.

It was a collective efforts of all staff working day and night to earn the customer delight award.

- Azhar Shaikh (APM-PNQ)

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 2

For continuation of Award we Bring out the "WOW factor" for the costumers.. In every briefing we try to incorporate the "WOW factor" for our passengers. Comparing the figures and reports with staff gives them transparency to understand the goal. Also discussion with the leaders of other stations of my region helped as a motivating factor.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

- Faraz Ahmed Siddiqui (APM-GWL)

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 3

It was very much delighted moment when Silchar station been announced as Customer delight airport for the month of Dec'21. The emotions of staff while holding the award is indescribable. They were Mesmerize and overwhelmed. The award is totally is dedicated to team Silchar - who left no stone unturned to achieve the goal. Kudos to my team Silchar.

- Sougata Kumar Das (APM-IXS)

January 2022

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 1

It was a team effort which made us Champions for the 2nd time. Our team left no stone unturned to achieve their goals. We as a team have always focused on customer service and to provide a pleasant experience to our passengers. We being the winner again sums up our services along with all the feelings related to journey of the passengers. It was a collective effort of all employees working day and night to earn the customer delight award.

- Azhar Shaikh (APM-PNQ)

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 2

We are such a wonderful team at Surat, where all team members are dedicated towards the achievement of our goals and creation of happiness. I am very proud of my team, which is committed towards work with absolute dedication towards providing safe and satisfying travel to all esteemed passengers.

- Reshma Sohoni (APM-STV)

Customer Delight Airport - Tier 3

For continuation of winning the Award for the 3rd time.

Customer service is not a department... it's an attitude. Our team work leads to great result. We always believe in hard work, align with providing comfort and friendly atmosphere at the work place which helps the team members to bring out their hidden talents and give them the opportunities to lead, assist and run the show. Efforts of each and every single individual bring the whole station /team to heights. "Together we can and we will make the difference”.

- Faraz Ahmed Siddiqui (APM-GWL)


Ahmedabad was the destination of our first flight. It is the largest city in the state of Gujarat. It is located in western India on the banks of the River Sabarmati. The city served as political as well as economical capital of the region since its establishment. The city again progressed when politically stabilized when British East India Company established the rule in the city (1818-1857). The city further renewed growth when it gain political freedom by establishment of municipality and opening of railway under British crown rule (1857-1947). Following arrival of Mahatma Gandhi in 1915, the city became center stage of Indian Independence movement. Many activists like Sardar Patel served the municipality of the city before taking part in the movement.

After independence, the city was a part of Bombay state. When Gujarat was carved out in 1960, it again became the capital of the state until establishment of Gandhinagar in 1965. Ahmedabad is also the cultural and economical center of Gujarat and the seventh largest city of India. It is known for several cultural events and also for famous Kite festival.

Just Laugh

1st GS Award Ceremony held at Gurugram

Motivational Videos

SUCCESS Takes Time
Stay Focused
Be Patient

When You

International Women's Day

Upcoming !

“Next month edition will cover “Gudi Padwa/ Ugadi, Holi, World Health Day, Vaishakhi/Mahavir Jayanti, Bagh Bihu, Easter and World Earth Day”, so please contribute with your Ideas/articles by 22nd March 2022 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com